“Thank you for the lesson and for saving me from you”

Those are the exact words I use when people make an attempt to manipulate, guilt-trip or gaslight me.
Time and experience has taught me to recognize these people swiftly enough to protect myself from the onslaught of betrayals and activate my firm, healthy and impenetrable boundaries.
I do not invest my time in explaining my choice.
feel I do not try to assuage their desire to make me feel bad.
I do not allow them to take me to a place of self-blame.
I do not allow them to make me even blame them, so they can cry foul. I simply say ‘Thank you for the lesson’ and release them from my journey and life to never look back again. I don’t need to know their response or reaction. I do not need to know what’s new with their life. I absolutely have no interest in knowing what are they up to after I walked away.
I simply walk away, forward and upward to create, engage and lead with MY WHY – in purpose, intention and action!
There is no victory grander than being focused on your own vision and moving forward with a smile, filled with humility of the lesson and gratitude of making it out on the other side of darkness that they were trying to create for you.
Say “THANK YOU” when people reveal their true self – do not be upset. Say Thank you for saving me from you – and walk away with a grand smile.

xoyox – Szebastian

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