I fucked up!
I know better not to.
Whatever explanation I give will not change that I did it wrong. In a bigger scheme of things it is a lesson, but in this moment right now, as I type, it is a regret and an excuse that should not have been!
The only way to move forward is to first admit it to myself and then to everyone else who was impacted by my poor decision to compromise our self-care. 
I will not run away from owning it.
Not only did I not follow my Self-Care boundaries, but I also encouraged others to throw away theirs.
I repeated this pattern for 2 weeks. I literally worked 13 days non-stop and I invited others too. They happily volunteered but later on together, all of us realized we should have said ‘NO’. 
We should have said NO to ourselves. 
We should have said NO to others.
We should have said NO to working non-stop for 13 days. 
I knew better. 
They knew better. 
We all knew better. 
But we let our excitement take over and throw away our healthy boundaries. Irony is, all of us, who were involved in this self-sabotage action, actively promote the message of Healthy Boundaries. 
So, led by me, we all fucked up. 
Everyone of us was exhausted, productivity suffered.
We were all stressed.
None of us were enjoying what we were creating.
A healthy self-care culture was affected.
Lesson: Never compromise Self-Care for team, clients, family, and myself. NEVER!
(Will expand on this article later today)
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